가끔 외근 후 일찍 끝나게 되면 회사 팀리더인 영국인 영감님이랑 가끔 펍에가서 맥주를 마시는 일이 있습니다. 그런데 이영감님이 어찌나 술을 잘 마시는지 앉은 자리에서 서너시간은 맥주만 주구장창 마시는 겁니다. 하루는 피곤하던차에 맥주를 마시다보니 눈이 풀리고 술자리에서 깜빡 잠들어버리는 참사가 발생했습니다... 이튿날 출근 후 처음 들었던 표현 "Are alright? You were plastered last night." -_-;;
plastered? 흔히 술에 취했다라는 표현을 단순히 got drunk, backed out 뭐 이정도 알고 있었는데... 술에 취한 정도에 따라 다양한 표현이 존재한다는 사실! 알게 되었습니다. 그래서~ 알아봅니다. 술에 취한 영어!
밑으로는 구글에서 퍼온 술에 취했을때 쓰는 101가지 표현인데. 막 긁어온거니까 알아서 잘 골라봐욤
- Drunk: starting off simple here, if your behaviour is affected you are a bit drunk; if you can’t walk you are very drunk. When you have drunk too much you are drunk.
- Tipsy: this is a mild one; someone who is tipsy might be noticeably drunk but only because of minor changes in behaviour, laughing louder or longer that sober friends might be one.
- Legless: fairly severe the person who has ‘got legless’ probably can’t walk (far) without help.
- Drink like a fish: this idiom means that someone regularly drinks quite a lot.
- Blotto: someone who is blotto probably can’t answer complicated questions… they may not know where they live.
- Three sheets to the wind: another idiom meaning fairly drunk, not necessarily unable to function but definitely acting strange.
- Two sheets to the wind: a variant of the above, perhaps from smaller ships that have fewer ‘sheets’.
- Four sheets to the wind: as above, the variation could also be regional/dialectical.
- Under full sail: as above but almost exclusively in nautical circles, but can also mean someone who talks a lot or tends to dominate a conversation.
- Slammed: Possibly from the shot tequila slammers or perhaps the other way round, someone who is slammed is very drunk, usually people drinking tequila slammers are trying to get drunk. As the saying goes: one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor tequila.
- Trousered: old-fashioned, British and posh (like some of my cousins) someone who is trousered has had enough to drink that they are spilling it on their trousers. It’s probably the only time that the word trouser can be a verb.
- Trolleyed: some trains and planes still have them, many old city firms used to have them a drinks trolley comes round the seats/offices offering drinks and light refreshments, these days it’s usually coffee and tea that are the big sellers. Someone who is trolleyed may have been partaking of the drinks trolley too much.
- Pie-Eyed: pie is round pies are often glazed someone who is pie eyed has a round-eyed glazed look; they are in a world of their own.
- Away with the fairies: this idiom can be used for anyone who is not mentally in the here and now, sometimes for drunks but also for others who have a poor understanding of reality.
- Wellied: another one that is not normally used as a verb to form the adjective and very English, someone who is wellied is very drunk perhaps they are walking like their feet are in the wrong welly?
- Hammered: another one for very drunk perhaps even unconscious, as if they’d been hit with a hammer perhaps.
- Paralytic: literally, they cannot move
- Sloshed: if a container has a fair about of fluid in it and you move the container the fluid will slosh about, sloshed people have had a couple of drinks and are obviously feeling the effects but are not (yet) very drunk.
- Plastered: often interior walls are plastered; plaster is usually a white substance that can be used to give a smooth even surface before painting. Someone who is plastered may well have a blank vacant expression.
- Wasted: very drunk, someone who is wasted has effectively wasted the next day with a hangover.
- Wall-eyed: another one referring to the empty expression that some drunks have.
- Steamin’: Particularly in Scots English, someone who is ‘Steamin’ is very drunk, sometimes written steaming.
- Pissed: Someone who is pissed is very drunk
- Pissed up: as above someone who is pissed up is very drunk, don’t confuse this with pissed off which means angry
- A piss up: you can probably guess from the previous two that a piss up can mean a drinking session.
- Drunk as a skunk this one probably comes from the sounds –unk and –unk.
- Inebriated: this is the medical term, for use with doctors and such but not with friends in the pub.
- Under the influence: the legal term driving under the influence (usually of alcohol but it can be applied to other things that affect the mind/judgement) legally being under the influence is ok, it’s what you are doing, such as driving, under the influence that breaks the law.
- Ploughed: A plough is the tool farmers use to make a field ready for planting, the field is often then difficult to walk over as the level will vary.
- Bladdered: Very drunk, the bladder is the organ that stores piss before we go to the loo, someone who is bladdered probably needs to go to the loo a lot.
- Half-cut: Very drunk, odd that you’d expect there to be a ‘cut’ but there isn’t. Also there’s no quarter cut.
- Merry: Mildly drunk, just enough to feel happy and relaxed and laugh at jokes that aren’t really funny.
- Pissed as a newt: I’ve never seen a newt pissed, and it would be unethical to experiment. But, but this list would be incomplete without this idiom.
- Well oiled: If a machine or engine is well oiled it runs smoothly / without lots of noise etc. Much like the person who is well oiled, probably perceiving themselves to be suave, confident and generally fantastic.
- Arseholed: Very drunk. Sadly, some people become rude and unpleasant when they drink, these people could be said to be arseholed because of what they have become.
- Battered: Fish and Chips is traditionally battered meaning covered in a batter with bread crumbs etc. Someone who is battered has metaphorically covered themselves with a crunchy tasty exterior, so is less aware of the world around them.
- Goggled: As with some of the others above the eyes are often the focus of expressions to do with facial expressions. Someone who is goggled probably has their eyes open but may not be noticing much of what they are seeing.
- Ratted: Probably derived from the bellow. Someone who is ratted is drunk.
- Rat-arsed: Someone who has a rat for a bottom? Some idioms make no sense when you think about the literal meaning. As above the rat-arsed are drunk.
- Shit-faced: This means very drunk but can also be used to insult people… be careful if you’re going to use this because it could cause an argument it is often used reflexively,(i.e. about oneself).
- Tub-thumping: This is both idiomatic and dialectical, meaning to get drunk for the purpose of being drunk.
- Tongue tied, can be used when someone can’t speak, but it can also happen in awkward social settings so the meaning is ambiguous.
- Neck- normally used as a transitive verb, often in the imperative ‘neck that one. We’ve just ordered another round’. Meaning to finish a drink quickly.
- Take the edge off: an unusual one, but some alcoholics might have a little drink at several points in the day to ‘take the edge off’.
- Quaff: To drink quickly, often the whole glass at one time. This is archaic and almost never used these days.
- Sip: to take a small amount of liquid at a time. ‘John sipped his coffee to see if it was still too hot to drink.’
- Comfortably numb: Someone who is comfortably numb, is not quite feeling/noticing everything around them at the moment.
- Hung over: not technically drunk this is the after effects of a piss up.
- Feeling no pain: see comfortably numb, often used reflexively.
- Cheers: Especially British English said when clinking glasses together.
- Skoll: See Cheers, from Scandinavian Languages.
- Chin Chin: See Cheers, rather old-fashioned and quite posh so very rare these days.
- Salut: See Cheers, from romance languages.
- Prost: See Cheers, from German.
- Slanite: See Cheers, from Irish Gallic.
- Bottoms Up: See Cheers, an invitation to drink the glass full, but not an obligation.
- To toast: Often what you do when you say one of the above, traditional toasts might be to the King or Queen, The Chef/Cook, absent friends etc.
- Medicated: see comfortably numb, someone who is medicated has drunk for effect rather than socially.
- Off their face: Don’t worry this isn’t literal; someone who is off their face is very drunk, but doesn’t necessarily need a doctor to re-attach their face.
- Off their head: This one can also mean crazy, but sometimes people do crazy things when they are drunk.
- Barking at the moon: This idiom refers to someone who’s gone a bit crazy, because of their drinking. They may literally be outside having a discussion with a tree.
- Flushed: Mildly drunk, just enough to put some extra colour in your cheeks.
- Drinking Games: Some people, stereotypically students in the UK play drinking games where every time you lose you have to take a drink. The games are often simple and repetitive but requiring concentration therefore they get harder as you go.
- NekNominate: an online drinking game, where people post videos of them drinking and then challenge friends.
- Taxied: this one may come from the USA where drinking excessively is less common than in some other countries. If someone has been taxied a taxi has been phoned to take them home.
- Cut Off: If someone drinks too much or too quickly the bartender might cut them off, meaning they can’t have any more alcohol.
- Barred: If a bar, restaurant, club or pub decides someone causes too much trouble when the drink they may decide to bar them. This means to ban them from visiting, or in some (rare) cases from having any alcohol when they do come.
- A stop out: if someone is a stop out they do go home, just not early or on time, often not until the next day.
- Early hours: Similar to the previous one, ‘the early hours’ means late rather than early.
- Squiffy: if someone is squiffy they may not act responsibly, or take responsibility for their actions later.
- Sober as a Judge: This is an ironic idiom, it means drunk.
- Drunk as a lord: This is idiomatic, obscure and old-fashioned, (but I do need another 29) it means very drunk.
- Hop-head: someone who likes beer.
- Dram: Defined by the late great Iain Banks as ‘a measure of whisky pleasing to both host and recipient’, a portion. This word is often modified by the favourite Scottish word for small ‘wee’. Be careful a wee dram may be a large drink not a small one.
- Vinofile: someone who likes wine and appreciates good quality wines. Often knowledgeable and sometimes seen as stuck up.
- Trouble with the decanters: Someone who has trouble with the decanters has a drinking problem, probably with spirits. This phrase is becoming quite old-fashioned.
- Corked: if a bottle of wine is corked it is spoiled and off and would not be nice to drink, although it may still be safe. If a person is described as corked it probably means they have been drinking.
- To drink someone under the table: this means to drink at the same pace as someone until they collapse/give up.
- To roll out the barrel: This means to throw or otherwise organise a party, especially if you are very generous buying drinks. It probably originates from ship captains or landlords literally providing a barrel of booze for their crew/workers.
- Organise a piss up in a brewery: Usually used in the negative: ‘Jim couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery’ means you don’t think Jim can organise very much, it needn’t have anything to do with drink.
- BYOB: this is an initialism, it means bring your own bottle: if you invite friends round do you ask them to BYOB or will you pay for everything.
- To tap (the barrel) to tap as a verb can often be used metaphorically: ‘Paula has years of experience to tap’ tapping a barrel was when a tap would be hammered into the end of the barrel to access the liquid inside.
- Liquid Lunch: a lunch break from work where people drink alcohol as opposed to eating.
- Hair of the dog: a dubious hangover cure, more alcohol, the hair of the dog that bit you is supposed to make you feel better.
- Champagne Socialist: Champagne is notoriously expensive so a champagne socialist is one that talks about socialism and liberal ideas while enjoying a luxuriant lifestyle themselves.
- Booze: slang for alcohol.
- Booze up: slang for a party where lots of people are drinking a lot.
- Boozer: slang for a pub/bar or other place to buy booze.
- To lose your bottle: to be cowardly or otherwise let your nerves/anxiety get the better of you.
- Dutch courage: In the middle-ages Dutch soldiers were famous for their drunkenness; many people thought this explained their bravery on the battlefield.
- To bottle somebody: to attack somebody using a bottle as a weapon.
- To glass somebody: See 91 but with the glass not the bottle.
- To bottle out: See 89, but more idiomatically, perhaps more common when you’ve said you will do something.
- Stone cold sober: someone who is stone cold sober is very much not at all drunk.
- Stone cold sober and painfully aware of it: See the Stainless Steel Rat series.
- Tanked (when your car is out of petrol you need to fill the tank)… if you get tanked then you should never drive.
- Tanked Up (see above)
- Bottle Shop a shop that sells (mainly/only) alcohol, also called an ‘offie’ from their official description ‘Off License’.
- Slaughtered: very drunk.
- Suds: Slang for beer, so ‘sudsing up’ is to drink beer.
- Sluiced: a sluice is a means of controlling the level of water in a river.
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